Above all, the APMM hopes you'll show support for our Denver conference by registering to attend! But for companies and individuals who wish to show a higher tier of support for our gathering of talented professionals, ambitious students, and indispensable suppliers of materials, tools, and services, conference sponsorship is a great option. We offer a variety of sponsorship levels, all of which will help our small non-profit organization defray conference expenses. Every penny invested will be devoted to improving our conference offerings, securing the best workshops, speakers, and tours available. Anything left over past the conference will be spent supporting charitable funds and non-profit education endeavors related to model making.
Every level of support will be acknowledged and shared with conference attendees in the conference documentation. Significant levels of support will be associated with specific conference activities and include special callouts and signage around those events. Sponsors at featured levels will also have their name or company logo added to the conference websites.