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Workshops and presentations by subject matter experts are the lifeblood of an APMM conference. From best business practices to shop safety, discussions of technique or technology, diving deep on obscure but insanely useful tools or materials, or any number of other fascinating subjects, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better range of presentations to educate, inspire, or hone your professional edge. The reason is simple. Our members are all professional model makers, prototype developers, or some other type of custom fabrication specialist. If that's what you do, these are your people. Whether you work in a corporate model shop with a large team, in your garage by yourself, or somewhere in between, we all share the passion to create and the skill necessary to make a living doing it. We can learn from each other, and the APMM has been facilitating such learning among professional peers for over 30 years. 

Our workshops will take place on Tuesday October 7th and Wednesday October 8th, and will be broken into four time slots per day, with multiple presentations going on simultaneously in nearby conference rooms. Pick the workshop that sounds most compelling to you, or if you're more of a grazer, you're welcome to dip in and out to see which one really grabs your attention!

A detailed workshop schedule will be made available here as we finalize the workshop list.

Call for Workshop Presenters!

If you're interested in attending the conference and feel that you can offer fellow craftspeople a good 1-hour presentation on some aspect of craft, technology, business management, career development or other subject related to model making, we'd love to talk to you! Each presentation will earn you a $250 discount off your conference registration*, along with earning the respect and attention of your model making peers. Contact us at with your presentation idea!

Workshop Lineup

Everything About 3D Printers
Presented by Charles Overy

Charles Overy knows a thing or two about 3D printers. He founded LGM in 1992 to support the exploding demand for architectural models in the Colorado ski resort industry, and has been providing effective 3D printing and modeling solutions to architects, developers and designers ever since. An emeritus president of the APMM, Charles was an early pioneer of 3D printing, and has lectured at Autodesk University, Euromold, and previous APMM conferences. Not only does he understand the world of 3D printing inside and out, he understands how model makers use these tools better than most. In this workshop, he'll discuss the current state of 3D printers, to help model makers at any size company decide which systems are the best fit for them. Of course he'll answer your questions, but perhaps more importantly, he'll help you understand what questions to ask when deciding which system is the right fit for you or your company.
First Aid: Burns and Chemical Splash Emergencies
Presented by Cintas

There's no reason to feel helpless waiting for professional response if an emergency happens at work. Your preparedness starts here, with this intensive training that covers two major types of emergencies, how to develop an action plan, the importance of effective drills, and tips for returning to normal operation.

Workshop size is limited to 15 participants. A separate registration will be required, though it will not cost extra. Register early to ensure your spot!

First Aid: Stop the Bleeding
Presented by Cintas

The #1 cause of preventable death is blood loss after an injury. But you can learn the life-saving techniques you need to know to quickly respond when a serious accident occurs, including how to identify life-threatening bleeding and control blood loss effectively through direct pressure and the use of a tourniquet. This small class is taught by skilled medical professionals, and you'll be working hands-on with realistic "dummy" limbs, putting what you learn into practice to staunch the flow of real practice fluid. Working safer starts with this comprehensive class. 

Workshop size is limited to 15 participants. A separate registration will be required, though it will not cost extra. Register early to ensure your spot!

Making A Model Shop: When Makers Become Managers
A panel discussion hosted by Bruce Willey. Panelists: Charles Overy, Nick Dothage, additional business owners and shop managers

Whether you started a company or are employed by one, you may find yourself becoming busy with management duties, even to the point where it's difficult to get your model making work done. Can you accomplish this transition smoothly, delegate some of it, or even avoid it altogether? Our panel of business owners and managers will discuss how they've dealt with this common situation.
Organization in the Model Shop
Presented by Craig Leese

Craig Leese of Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory has been a member of the APMM for decades, and he has toured dozens of model shops, as part of our conferences and on his own initiative. Craig also has an admirable obsession for an orderly workspace, and his tour takeaways always featured some of the best examples of workshop organization on display in model shops large and small. In this workshop, you'll find inspiration to elevate your organization game, from the simplest shop hacks to awe-inspiring custom built storage systems. Come learn some great ideas for tidying up your shop, and enjoy a trip down memory lane of earlier APMM tours that you may have attended!
Photographing Models
Presented by Jason Knowles

Cameras are higher quality and more accessible than they've ever been, but there's a lot to consider in taking professional-grade photos. You put tens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of hours into your models. Whether you're sending photos to your clients in advance of the actual model, or archiving the work for your portfolio, shouldn't 2D images of your models represent your 3D work in the best possible way? Jason Knowles of Fentress Architects has a great deal of experience photographing architectural models, and the knowledge he offers will elevate your photography game, whether you're relying on a DSLR or the phone in your pocket to capture an image. From camera choice and settings to lighting, fixturing, model staging and preparation, you'll leave this workshop with a better understanding of photography and how best to apply it to whatever types of models you specialize in.
Small Shops, Big Challenges
Presented by Jill Kenik

Owner of Acropolis Studios Model Works and president emeritus of the APMM Jill Kenik reprises the discussion of challenges and complexities of running a small business. Owners need to be a jack-of-all-trades, skilled in everything from contract negotiations to plumbing. This interactive session covers some of the intricacies of survival and success. Bring your experiences, leave with rich insights.
RTV Mold Making: A Master Class
Presented by Craig Leese

Craig Leese of Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory has been pushing the limits of mold making for decades. In this workshop, he'll share insights, wisdom, tips and tricks gathered through a distinguished career as a master mold maker. This vital model making talent still has a valuable spot in the toolkit of many model makers. If you're one of them, or wish to be, do not miss this chance to learn from a master.
More to Come - Stay Tuned!

The conference team is working diligently to fill between 18 and 24 workshop/presentation slots. Check back to see what we've added as we draw nearer to the conference date, or keep an eye on your inbox for APMM conference updates. Even if you're not a member, you can join our mailing list to receive these updates. 
* All workshop ideas must be proposed to the conference committee no later than September 1st, 2025. A presentation must fill a 45-minute to 1-hour block of time, allowing 10-15 minutes of audience Q&A. $250 registration discount will be provided to presenter at time of presentation, in the form of a check from the APMM, paid in the name of the workshop presenter. Registration discounts will only be made available to individual presenters who produce and present a substantive and complete workshop - discussion panelists on round table workshops will not be eligible for this discount. Such workshops are valuable and welcome, but tend to represent significantly less preparation time on part of panelists than the investment of a solo presenter. Please contact us at with your workshop proposal or any questions you have.

The APMM wishes to express our deepest gratitude to the following conference sponsors:

Association of Professional Model Makers (APMM)
P.O. Box 3581
Olathe, KS 66063