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Shipping an architectural model across the US
Matt Williquette

Good afternoon fellow APMM'ers

I recently found and procured an old architectural model that is very near and dear to my heart and happens to have alot of local history as well. I want to surprise the creator of this model by reuniting him with it. I am in Wisconsin and he is in California. While i'm a model maker, i've never shipped a large architectural model (4' x 6' x 14" ~100lbs uncrated) before. I plan to build a wood crate for it, is there anything special i should do to help with vibration so that it doesn't get shook to death? Secondly, what's the most economical way to ship something like this since i personally will be absorbing the cost of all of this?

Thanks in advance!

Charles Overy


For this size, as a starting point, scrounge a wood pallet in decent shape.  It will save you time and materials and should cost nothing.  You can cut the extra 2' off if you want but  I would just attach your crate 1' form each end which provides a buffer.

You want to isolate the base of the model from the pallet.  You can do this in several or multiple ways.  We typically do not put foam or skid mates between the pallet and the crate but some do.  Depending on the model base construction and weight, use foam or foam squares between the model and the base of the crate.  You DO NOT want it to be too rigid, a bit of bounce.  Then line the crate in 1.5" white insulating foam available at Home Depot etc.   

We do not use wood for single use crates, we use FalconBoard. 

Water is possible, TAPE the crate  seams or cover the model in case there are drips

Secure any parts that could possibly become a wrecking ball if they come loose.  Remove or isolate with packaging.  

Use do not stack cones  either purchased or make your own.


We ship via FedEx freight but we are not overly sensitive to price. We want it to spend less time in transit which we think is less chance for damage.

You do not need to pay for a liftgate if you have people standing by who can lift the model into the truck.  (or the receiver can unload.)

Good luck Charles

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