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RFQ for Diorama - Final RFQ to appear in "Ask...
Bruce Willey

(New RFQ policy after the message)

Dear APMM Network,

I would like to get in touch with interested member shops in regards to building a 3-D model for use by my company, Deep Isolation. Deep Isolation's line of work specializes in developing geological borehole repositories for disposing of nuclear waste. The attached picture illustrates an initial idea of the type of 3-D diorama model I am looking for (once I get an initial price estimate, I can send more information/details on the exact design I am looking for). Overall, the model:

  1. should display one or multiple boreholes dug underground (could be a horizontal-configuration like in the attached picture, or a straight vertical borehole-configuration, or a mix of both)
  2. should display rigging equipment above the surface like in the attached picture (the specific rigging equipment and facilities will differ but the picture gives a general idea)
  3. should display detailed geological features where the boreholes are being dug (such as whether it's dug in shale, granite, etc., whether there are water reservoirs around the borehole(s), as well as any other features of the surrounding geology)
  4. may have a possible, optional interactive component such as the ability to hoist/withdraw a drilling wire in and out of the borehole from one of the rigging apparatus.

The exact size of the model is still to be determined, but the size of the model in the picture appears to be somewhere on the order of 2 ft x 4 ft or 3 ft x 3 ft (I am open to adjudging the size of the model as needed or to get price estimates across a range of sizes). This model is to be used for exhibits at various conferences and may therefore require some traveling case to keep it safe during transportation. Please let me know if this type of work can be supported by a member shop. Thank you so much for your time and help, and I look forward to hearing back from the association network soon. Please see the attached image of a similar model.

Thank You,


Vaibhav Sharma

Technical Engineer | +1 908 642 6560  

Please follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn.

Watch here to learn more about Deep Isolation Technology.

If you would like to receive RFQ messages that come to the APMM like this one, please contact with the subject line "RFQ Opt-In" to have your name added to the list. Thank you.

Bruce Willey

APMM Communications VP

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